Pilt on illustratiivne. Foto: Autor Rak-Tai (Üleslaadija oma töö) [Public domain või Public domain], Wikimedia Commonsi kaudu
Eestlaste seksiseiklused Tais vol.9
2016-04-06 17:35
Ma viibisin siin eelmisel aastal 9 kuud, sealhulgas kogu suve. Ega siin naiste puudust ei olnud. Suvisel ajal on vast nats vähem turiste aga samas tundub, et siis on rohkem hindusid ja muid asiaate siin reisimas. Kuigi jah, mõned tüdrukud tulevad ainult kõrghooajaks. Aga vot vihmamärgi tüdrukuid ma siin näinud ei ole. Nad on piisavalt nutikad ja lasevad juba varakult pilvede ilmudes jalga. See on tõsine jama sest ega siis mingit alternatiivset kohta tüdrukute otsimiseks ei ole. Baarides on neid muidugi alati aga see on teine kategooria. Mussoonid olid septembris ja mul õnnestus siin üks troopiline torm üle elada. Tänavad muutusid jõgedeks ja järgmisel päeval võis näha et mõni palm oli rannas juurtega maast välja kistud ja tegelikult oli rannast vähemalt mõnest kohast ka meetrine kiht liiva läinud. Aga jah, ega tüdrukud siis tormi ajal välja passima ei jää.
Küll olen ma kunagi varahommikul kohanud üht tüdrukut, kes oli vist öösel kõvasti pidutsenud. Kurtis et ei taha seksi vaid tahab magada. See oli päris armas. Sellisele võib ju oma voodit laenutada küll ja süüagi välja teha ja ma usun, et ega ta pärast võlgu jää.
Mina pole siin mujal keppinud kui hotellis ja korra rannas suhu andnud aga võib ju veel maja katusele minna, või mõnes avalikus peldikus või liftis kui selline isu on. Samuti saab mingi veesõiduki laenutada. Eks ole ka klubisid kus on nikkumistoad ja mõni saun ka. Ehk ka mõni bassein. alati saab kõrvalasuvale saarele sõita ja seal saab juba ahvidega võidu looduses sugutada. Autos võib ka proovida. Eks selles mõttes ole kõik nagu eestis. Ei maksa arvata et siin kõik oleks vaba nagu mingis hipiriigis. Väliselt ikka peetakse piiri aga seda enam igasugu mänge mängitakse kinnistes ruumides. Mingi swingerite klubi on jne...
Näete, ei ole mul olnud jaksu siia kirjutada. Sestap mõtlesin, et kopin siia ühe aasta vanuse kirja, mille ma oma ameerika sõbrale saatsin. Ehk edaspidi leian rohkem aega memuaaride jaoks...
I think I have to report to the police.
When I came back from Nakhon Phanom, I hurried to our favorite restaurant
before it was closed. After that I took a massage and during that
called Meow, the girl I met on the first night, when I arrived in
February. She is incredible cocksucker and I made an appointment. But
then I walked back to the hotel and just in front of the Wat
Chaimongkron saw a very attractive girl. I wasn t sure if she had a
boyfriend but she got my attention. She was very playful with one man.
But then the man left and the girl jumped right into the next old one.
He didn t pay attention and girl went forward very fast. She was
exactly my taste. Very simple, nice body and a little bit like a boy.
(I quess this may be a hidden homosexuality in me)
This doesn t usually happen to me. I stopped and then followed her.
She was moving fast but I reached her and when she turned around she
was very happy to see a male just one meter from her. Of course she
offered herself immediately to me. She had a beautiful face, extremely
big eyes, like a calf. I have NEVER seen this before. And she was
trimmed. I touched her stomach, it was brick hard. I touched her tits
just a little bit. "How much you want", I asked. "One thousand", she
said. I said "oouuuhh". She said "500 short time, 1000 long time". I
was sold. I asked if she can suck and she said yes. I asked if she
likes if I eat her pussy and she became very joyful. Then I asked for
her name and it was Joy. This was simply incredible. Exactly the girl
I want. She was very beautiful, very simple, very trimmed and very
very friendly and playful. And not expencive. and nonsmoker. She
weared nice open sport shoes so I could see her beatiful feet. It was
just perfect. And these shoes are not the cheapest. So, I wondered who
this girl is.
But I had a problem. I had an appointment with Meow. And I never
cheat. I keep my promises. With a very hard hearth I asked for her
number and she gave it to me. She didnt remember properly but finally
we managed to get it down. I promised to call next day. I was amazed.
I was totally under her influence.
So, Meow came and did a wonderful blowjob plus massage. She is an
expert. She can even suck the balls properly. I dont know anyone else
who is so good at it. This was the first night back in Pattaya.
Next day I called Joy with no success. I sent an SMS and got no reply.
I tried till the late night but no answer. I was sad. I felt like I
had lost my dream girl. I felt like I had misused the chance the
universe gave me. I ed Su instead, the girl you saw me with this
historic night on Beach Road.
On the third day I called Joy again. No answer. I ed Su again. And
then Joy called late evening. My hearth was exploding. We met again in
front of Wat, in the same place where you met Om. So, I consider this
a result of my good karma. I helped you to get a girl there and now I
got my dream girl there. She arrived finally, and she was trembling. I
dont why. She looked very happy and her voice was incredibly sweet
and kind of breaking. She was like excited or something. I dont know
what was the reason, perhaps she was running in the fear of losing the
customer. We went to my room and took a shower together. She was still
exited. I washed her perfect body and she enjoyed this like a cat. For
a second I thought that she is a ladyboy. She had a lot of makeup and
her body is pretty strong. But under the shower it became clear that
she is a lady.
And then we went to the bed. She sucked me a bit and then I did a long
session of eating her perfect pussy. She went mad. Finally she wanted
me to her and I did. It was wonderful. I had taken a pill too, so
I was in the shape. It was a really long session and an extraordinary
one. Then we cooled down and did talk a bit. She is from Si Saket. She
has a baby but there are no signs of it on the body. And she works in
the bar. She is a very funny girl. Can you imagine that she explained
me that she sucks a lot of cock! And she loves it. She had a
holiday. Her english is not perfect but I understood that her bar was
closed for some time. Perhaps that is the reason why she was kind of
desperately (but still happily) hooking on the street. And for 500
only!!! I didnt expect anyone hooking in my street. Why she didnt go
to the Beach Road, I do not understand. Anyway, good for me.
After a short time resting in the bed she grabbed my cock again. I
wasn t sure what she is trying to do. Is she trying to put it inside
of her of what. But it ended so, that she started to suck me again.
And it took a long time and she didnt complain. And when I came, she
didnt stop. I was going crazy, but she didnt stop. I never got my
cock back. I came to her throat and she continued. It became hard
again and she ing continued! This was a wonderful experience. She
also licked my ass many times this night. And on one occasion it
wasnt licking anymore, she was literally ing my ass with her
tongue. I simply surrendered. Then she jumped on to my cock without
condom and there we went again. Good, I had taken a pill before.
Otherwise I would have been a disappointment for her. Then she said
humbly, "I can go if you want". I didnt. We slept together. ed
and sucked and licked in the morning till she complained that she is
hungry. We went together to the restaurant which she enjoyed. I
gave her 1000 and she was happy. In the night she even confessed that
she loves me. I dont pay much attention to this as she is
overemotional but she definitely likes me. And I know, I was good to
her. I doubt she can find many men who bother to lick her for hours.
So, here I am now. Completely molested. Waiting for my cock to rise
again. It was too much for me. I am consuming a lot of milk products
and dreaming that I can once again. Today I went to Jomtien
Immigration and got an 30 day visa extension.
I was living in the paradise already but now I am living directly in
the Oral Office of the Paradise!
Küll olen ma kunagi varahommikul kohanud üht tüdrukut, kes oli vist öösel kõvasti pidutsenud. Kurtis et ei taha seksi vaid tahab magada. See oli päris armas. Sellisele võib ju oma voodit laenutada küll ja süüagi välja teha ja ma usun, et ega ta pärast võlgu jää.
Mina pole siin mujal keppinud kui hotellis ja korra rannas suhu andnud aga võib ju veel maja katusele minna, või mõnes avalikus peldikus või liftis kui selline isu on. Samuti saab mingi veesõiduki laenutada. Eks ole ka klubisid kus on nikkumistoad ja mõni saun ka. Ehk ka mõni bassein. alati saab kõrvalasuvale saarele sõita ja seal saab juba ahvidega võidu looduses sugutada. Autos võib ka proovida. Eks selles mõttes ole kõik nagu eestis. Ei maksa arvata et siin kõik oleks vaba nagu mingis hipiriigis. Väliselt ikka peetakse piiri aga seda enam igasugu mänge mängitakse kinnistes ruumides. Mingi swingerite klubi on jne...
Näete, ei ole mul olnud jaksu siia kirjutada. Sestap mõtlesin, et kopin siia ühe aasta vanuse kirja, mille ma oma ameerika sõbrale saatsin. Ehk edaspidi leian rohkem aega memuaaride jaoks...
I think I have to report to the police.
When I came back from Nakhon Phanom, I hurried to our favorite restaurant
before it was closed. After that I took a massage and during that
called Meow, the girl I met on the first night, when I arrived in
February. She is incredible cocksucker and I made an appointment. But
then I walked back to the hotel and just in front of the Wat
Chaimongkron saw a very attractive girl. I wasn t sure if she had a
boyfriend but she got my attention. She was very playful with one man.
But then the man left and the girl jumped right into the next old one.
He didn t pay attention and girl went forward very fast. She was
exactly my taste. Very simple, nice body and a little bit like a boy.
(I quess this may be a hidden homosexuality in me)
This doesn t usually happen to me. I stopped and then followed her.
She was moving fast but I reached her and when she turned around she
was very happy to see a male just one meter from her. Of course she
offered herself immediately to me. She had a beautiful face, extremely
big eyes, like a calf. I have NEVER seen this before. And she was
trimmed. I touched her stomach, it was brick hard. I touched her tits
just a little bit. "How much you want", I asked. "One thousand", she
said. I said "oouuuhh". She said "500 short time, 1000 long time". I
was sold. I asked if she can suck and she said yes. I asked if she
likes if I eat her pussy and she became very joyful. Then I asked for
her name and it was Joy. This was simply incredible. Exactly the girl
I want. She was very beautiful, very simple, very trimmed and very
very friendly and playful. And not expencive. and nonsmoker. She
weared nice open sport shoes so I could see her beatiful feet. It was
just perfect. And these shoes are not the cheapest. So, I wondered who
this girl is.
But I had a problem. I had an appointment with Meow. And I never
cheat. I keep my promises. With a very hard hearth I asked for her
number and she gave it to me. She didnt remember properly but finally
we managed to get it down. I promised to call next day. I was amazed.
I was totally under her influence.
So, Meow came and did a wonderful blowjob plus massage. She is an
expert. She can even suck the balls properly. I dont know anyone else
who is so good at it. This was the first night back in Pattaya.
Next day I called Joy with no success. I sent an SMS and got no reply.
I tried till the late night but no answer. I was sad. I felt like I
had lost my dream girl. I felt like I had misused the chance the
universe gave me. I ed Su instead, the girl you saw me with this
historic night on Beach Road.
On the third day I called Joy again. No answer. I ed Su again. And
then Joy called late evening. My hearth was exploding. We met again in
front of Wat, in the same place where you met Om. So, I consider this
a result of my good karma. I helped you to get a girl there and now I
got my dream girl there. She arrived finally, and she was trembling. I
dont why. She looked very happy and her voice was incredibly sweet
and kind of breaking. She was like excited or something. I dont know
what was the reason, perhaps she was running in the fear of losing the
customer. We went to my room and took a shower together. She was still
exited. I washed her perfect body and she enjoyed this like a cat. For
a second I thought that she is a ladyboy. She had a lot of makeup and
her body is pretty strong. But under the shower it became clear that
she is a lady.
And then we went to the bed. She sucked me a bit and then I did a long
session of eating her perfect pussy. She went mad. Finally she wanted
me to her and I did. It was wonderful. I had taken a pill too, so
I was in the shape. It was a really long session and an extraordinary
one. Then we cooled down and did talk a bit. She is from Si Saket. She
has a baby but there are no signs of it on the body. And she works in
the bar. She is a very funny girl. Can you imagine that she explained
me that she sucks a lot of cock! And she loves it. She had a
holiday. Her english is not perfect but I understood that her bar was
closed for some time. Perhaps that is the reason why she was kind of
desperately (but still happily) hooking on the street. And for 500
only!!! I didnt expect anyone hooking in my street. Why she didnt go
to the Beach Road, I do not understand. Anyway, good for me.
After a short time resting in the bed she grabbed my cock again. I
wasn t sure what she is trying to do. Is she trying to put it inside
of her of what. But it ended so, that she started to suck me again.
And it took a long time and she didnt complain. And when I came, she
didnt stop. I was going crazy, but she didnt stop. I never got my
cock back. I came to her throat and she continued. It became hard
again and she ing continued! This was a wonderful experience. She
also licked my ass many times this night. And on one occasion it
wasnt licking anymore, she was literally ing my ass with her
tongue. I simply surrendered. Then she jumped on to my cock without
condom and there we went again. Good, I had taken a pill before.
Otherwise I would have been a disappointment for her. Then she said
humbly, "I can go if you want". I didnt. We slept together. ed
and sucked and licked in the morning till she complained that she is
hungry. We went together to the restaurant which she enjoyed. I
gave her 1000 and she was happy. In the night she even confessed that
she loves me. I dont pay much attention to this as she is
overemotional but she definitely likes me. And I know, I was good to
her. I doubt she can find many men who bother to lick her for hours.
So, here I am now. Completely molested. Waiting for my cock to rise
again. It was too much for me. I am consuming a lot of milk products
and dreaming that I can once again. Today I went to Jomtien
Immigration and got an 30 day visa extension.
I was living in the paradise already but now I am living directly in
the Oral Office of the Paradise!
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Kasutajate videosid: 2167
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Saadetud kirju: 281022429
Foorumi postitusi: 275515
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Kasutajaid 24h: 7552
Kasutajate pilte: 28641
Kasutajate videosid: 2167
Kommentaare: 2147245
Saadetud kirju: 281022429
Foorumi postitusi: 275515
Seksikaid jutte: 179
Kuulutusi: 4040
Kasutajaid 24h: 7552