2018-07-28 20:53
Noh meeldib seks ja videosi teha hiljem on ka tore näha kui ilusa naisega olen ma seksinud muidugi kokkuleppel teen video mul pornhubis konto ka kuhu saan videosi teha
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2018-07-28 22:07
Ikka tasub hakata!
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2018-07-29 00:28
Ainus viga, et kõigepealt tuleb saada täisealiseks.
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2018-07-29 14:01
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2018-07-29 21:57
Sellise tegevuse juures on ka juriidikal suur osa. Kui film väljub enese tarbeks tegemise raamest, siis kohe kindlasti. Salvestamine kuhugi võõrasse serverisse on juba piisav. Vastavalt serveri kasutuslepingule võib serveri omanikul nt olla õigus faile töödelda. Seega on see fail juba avalik. Ja siis juba "näitlejate" kirjalikud nõusolekud autoriõiguste loovutamisest, levitamise lubamine jne. Siis levitamine ise. Server võib asuda riigi territooriumil mille seaduseid pead teadma, et miskit mundrimeeste mõistes valesti ei teeks jnejne.
Nii et mõtle enne sügavalt järgi, see polegi nii lihtne, et paned telo vilmima ja kepp muudkui ise voolab voodisse.
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2018-07-29 23:00
Kõigis arenenud riikides on lasteporno keelatud ja mõnedes riikides on see lapseks lugemise piir tunduvalt kõrgem kui 18 Näiteks USAs peaks see olema 21
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2018-08-01 13:38
Amatöörameleja ja pornostaari vahel on terve kuristik
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2018-08-08 18:46
Tung võib ju suur olla ja riist pidevalt kõva, aga probleem on selles, et poiss nägi elusat vittu viimati siis, kui sealt väljapudenes.
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2018-08-09 00:18
Ja kuna sa lammas vittu nägid viimati?
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2018-08-10 21:53
Veelkord: neid pornofilmide osatäitjad ei ole veel staarid. Kümnete tuhandete hulgast ehk mõned on tuntud, kuid enamuse elu on tegelikkuses teistsugune, kui "staaril"
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2018-08-20 19:16
Ei ma nägin vittu 13.aastaselt kui sai klassiõega seksitud
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2018-09-01 07:01
Polegi vaja pornot teha.
Jott teeb iga päev siin pornot ja on suur staar,mis sest et impotent on.
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2018-09-19 01:33
Miks ka mitte, kui asi huvitab ja tunned et riist on mehe eest väljas, mine pauguta nii nagu syda lustib. Elu on elamiseks. Kyll sul libiido ja testosteroon aitab kui paljuks läheb naisi
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2018-09-19 17:59
Ei ole see asi nüüd nii lihtne midagi. Ega igaüks sinna ei saa, pornos loeb vastupidavad rohkem kui riista pikkus.
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2018-09-19 18:00
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2018-11-07 16:28
Ok teen pornhubi videosid
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2018-11-08 19:58
Pihkulöömine ei huvita kedagi.
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2018-12-27 15:46
Pornostaaril on väga kurb karjääri lõpp - kui esinussijaks ei sobi, siis satud taustanussijaks ja kui sellega ka enam hakkama ei saa, siis lüüakse üldse minema
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2018-12-27 16:19
Näitlejahaktis võiks kirjutada kuidas karjäär edenenud on vahepeal, kas esimesed rollid juba tehtud?
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2019-01-07 19:50
Pole veel alustanudki
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2019-01-07 20:43
Muidugi sa ei ole.
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2019-03-16 22:23
Me juba proovime lõbutseda pornostaaridena,vaadake meie videosid
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2019-03-22 18:33
vaatasin ja päris ehedad klipid on tulnud
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2019-03-22 20:00
Mitu raksu pihku tagusid?
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2019-03-22 20:24
velts ega ma sinust pole,kes nutab ja pihku taob kui kummist vitt katki
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2020-11-11 23:07
ma panin ikka oma 5 rahmakat ära
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2020-11-12 20:56
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2020-12-07 19:33
Üks huvitav pornotööstuse naine kirjutab nii:

"6 things nobody tells you about being a porn star.

Ah porn. Getting down and dirty for a living. Getting PAID to hook up with total hotties while the entire world admires your sexual skill set? Who wouldn’t want to have a job like that? Sounds perfect, am I right? Not so fast there Sparky, let me break it down and reveal the man behind the porno curtain. It isn’t all heaving breasts and massive paychecks.

It is harder then it looks. Sure, you are a total stud, a sexual blessing on anyone that passes by your vicinity. But in your fantasies, is there a bored crew member chomping on gum while holding a video camera 8 inches from your swinging nut sack and looking impatient if your wood starts to falter? Faltering wood means that the shoot can not be completed and nobody can go home. The evil eyes that faltering wood can cause can spin you into a shame cycle and make it even harder to maintain wood. You can not run air conditioning or heat during shooting as it causes too much noise while filming, so be prepared to be either freezing or sweating like a pig. And you better be able to deliver a cum shot. No cum shot? You won’t get hired again. So what if you are tired, sweaty, cramped up and 8 people you don’t know are staring daggers at your dick waiting for you to deliver the money shot. You will have to chicks that you find personally annoying as hell. Doesn’t matter. Sure, grudge ing a bitchy chick might seem fun in theory but getting wood and delivering it to a girl you can’t stand isn’t nearly as exciting as one might think.
Don’t you dare get sick. Porn has no health insurance, no workman’s comp, no 401k. Your body is what pays your rent. You break it, nobody will be rushing over to help you with your cell phone bill. Try and avoid spraining any ankles. Stay off that motorcycle. No BASE jumping. Even a simple cold that takes you out for a week means that you just lost 25% of your monthly income.
The level of personal upkeep is staggering. The grooming that goes into being naked on camera? Shaving, working out, constant hair dying and cuts, botox, tanning, and if you stop hitting the gym and put on some weight, the phone stops ringing. If you are not in shape, you do not get booked for shoots. Put the chocolate down, do some cardio and get to bed early. The only thing keeping a roof over your head is your body. Nobody wants to see your face if you are a guy. You will spend the bulk of your time shaving your balls, as they will have a lot more camera time then you. In addition to ballshaving, you also have to shave your ass. And unless you have someone to help you out, this will end up with you squatting over a mirror, razor in hand, as you try and not damage your brown eye. Are you feeling the glamour of the porn yet? Well are you??
It doesn’t pay nearly as well as you would think. It is not an 8 hour a day 40 hour a week job. It doesn’t matter how well you sling the dick, nobody can stay hard for 8 hours a day. Sure, you get paid fairly well for a shoot, but they don’t happen 5 days a week. It is either feast or famine in your bank account. If you don’t learn to budget between your shoots, there are some very lean times at ye olde bank.
It is very formal on set. No decadent coke fueled orgies. This is a business. Show up drunk or high and you will be sent home. Show up with too much drama and you will not be booked again. There is no touching if the cameras are not rolling. I once saw a girl ask for permission to touch a cock she had been ing all day as the shoot was over and the clothes were all back on. She wanted to see exactly what she had been working with, as it was fairly massive, but you can not touch without permission.
If you have done the naughty on camera, it must mean that you are a raging slutbag that spreads it like peanut butter. Be prepared for total strangers to demand that you them, as if you have vast swathes of free time and disposable income to fly around the world like a sexual fairy godmother and bang anyone that requests. Be prepared for these strangers to get extremely nasty when you do not take them up on their generous offer of sexy times. Nasty to the point of stalking and threats of bodily harm and or rape.
Still want to do the porn? Have at it. But know that it isn’t quite the decadent Dionysian orgy of sexual bliss you might think. And that when shaved ass hair grows back in the crack, it gets really sharp and stabby.

This was written for both men and women. Don't get too confused by the shaving of nutsacks. Women also have to shave their ass and male porn stars are rarely threatened with rape and bodily harm if they don't take up a fan on their offer of banging...

Keep it kinky my friends!"
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