my name is franky am single ; 39 very cool, cute, romantic,and loving,if you are the type that believe the power of love then reply and let me know what you are up to ;i need women like you who need love, romance, and happiness,and will like us to meet face to face as so as to be happy together, we will alwaysbe happy every night, kisses you till you sleep in my laps, romance you all the time and most importantly i will always love you and treat with respect, do you love children? because we are going to have children to bless out marriage and living together,the sky is and will always be blue to you and me, we will hug, kiss, romance each other till you are on top of your world, i promise to be the best man you have ever meet in your life, do not think about yesterday because it is past the future is what matters to you and me now ,
this is my id
[email protected]kisses
minu nimi on Franky, olen vallaline; 39 väga lahe, armas, romantiline ja armastav, kui olete tüüpi, kes usuvad, armastuse jõud siis vastus ja andke mulle teada, mida te kuni; i on vaja naisi, nagu sina, kes vajavad armastust , romantikat ja õnne, ja see meeldib meile kohtuda näost näkku nii, et olla õnnelikud, me alwaysbe õnnelik igal õhtul, suudlusi sul kuni sa magad minu laps, romantika sind kogu aeg ja mis kõige tähtsam ma alati armastan sind ja ravida suhtes, kas sa armastad lapsi? sest me lapsi õnnistada välja abielu ja kooselu, taevas on ja jääb alati sinine sina ja mina, me kallistada, suudelda, romantika üksteist kuni oled peal oma maailmas, ma luban, etparim mees te olete kunagi kohtuda oma elu, ei mõtle eile, sest see on minevik tulevik on tähtis, et sina ja mina nüüd
see on minu id
[email protected]kisses